「大使館でお茶をシリーズの第 12回”クロアチア大使館”」
“Join us for Tea at the Embassy” Vol. 12 Embassy of the Republic of Croatia
開催日:1月 21日(土)14:00-16:00
Date: 14:00 – 16:00 Sat. January 21
For January, the host was Embassy of the Republic of Croatia. We all looked forward to this occasion as we had heard the wife of the Ambassador herself would arrange the refreshments and dessert.
The event started with the opening words by MC and welcome speech by Ms. Kanaya, Director-General of IAC, followed by a presentation on Croatia by the Ambassador using video.
スロベニア、ハンガリー、セルビア、ボスニアヘルツェゴビナ、モンテネグロに囲まれた九州の1.5倍の小さな国に400万人余りが住んでいる共和制国家との事。この点からでも周りを多くの国に囲われ過酷な歴史を負った国と推察されますが、現在は自由を謳歌しているとの事です。2013年に厳しい審査を経て EUに加入する事が出来、現在は経済的にも安定している様です。
Croatia is a republic that is 1.5 times larger than Kyushu, the third largest island of Japan, with a population of 4 million. Given the fact that it is surrounded by Slovenia, Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro, one may assume that the country has been suffering hardship through conflicts with the adjacent countries. But now it is a free country, enjoying its stable economy. In 2013 Croatia became a member of EU after passing a rigorous examination.
In various regions, people enjoy annual events such as music festivals where delicious Croatian food, influenced by surrounding countries, is served for free. Dubrovnik, a world heritage site, brings in huge income to the country by enhancing tourist industry. Following strict rules on public hygiene, the city is clean, and also it is quite safe, boasting its low crime rate. Its tourism is expected to grow even further.
Refreshments and dessert hand-made by the wife of the Ambassador and mulled wine based on Ambassador’s original recipe were heartwarmingly delicious. We also enjoyed the unique coffee and snacks from Croatia while learning about the country’s culture and history. Having a very meaningful and precious time together, we left the embassy with our hearts full of satisfaction. (Hisako Ogasawara, IAC)

