We held “Join us for tea at the Embassy” at the Pakistani Embassy on February 25, 2017.
The place we used for the party is normally open to the employees of the embassy for the five daily prayers. When we visited there for the first time, there were mats for worshiping. This place accommodates tens of people and we were able to invite more people than usual.

13th“Join us for tea at the Embassy” at the Pakistan Embassy by IAC; International Artists Center
通称パキスタン、正式名はパキスタン・イスラム共和国(Islamic Republic of Pakistan)です。旗の緑はイスラム教を表し、白い部分はそれ以外の少数派を表しているとのこと。少数派の存在を旗という正式なビジュアルで表現するのは素晴らしいと思いました。
Pakistan is a commonly used name of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Flag colors of green represents Islam and white represents minority religions and religious minorities. I thought recognizing minorities officially and visually on the flag was a splendid idea.

プレゼンター役を務めてくださったグル・カイサル二等書記官(Gul Qaiser Second Secretary)The presenter; Gul Qaiser Second Secretary
Pakistan is a well-known country in Japan but not many people can talk about it in detail. I was also one of them and I had thought Pakistan and India were very similar culturally and geographically. Just because those two are neighboring countries, we tend to think they are alike. However, by hearing about Pakistan at first hand we were able to grasp more precise images of the country. It was a very valuable experience. There was a slide show and once again I was amazed that Pakistan was rich in natural grandeur having a range of high mountains called Karakoram Range and K2, desert and marshy areas. In spite of myself I was drawn into magnificent scenery. I genuinely want to visit Pakistan!

After learning about the country, we enjoyed a convivial party with Pakistani food and sweets.

Diplomats sat at each table to interact directly with participants. We also enjoyed rare tea called Pink Chai.


パキスタン料理「パコラ(PAKORAY)」野菜のフリッターのような料理。Pakoray; Pakistani food like vegetable fritter

「チャナ・チャート(CHANNA CHAAT)」ひよこ豆のマリネサラダChanna Chaat; Marinated chickpea salad


パキスタンのスイーツ Pakstani Sweets

パキスタン料理プレート。緑のソースはピリ辛。Pakistani food plate with spicy green sauce
This lady wearing Pakistani clothes is an IAC member whose husband is Pakistani. Very beautiful!!!

The Ambassador, His Excellency Mr. Farukh AMIL gave us a speech. He is a good speaker with a warm smile.
At the end of the party we presented His Excellency with Higashi, a type of dry Japanese sweets. Unexpectedly IAC staff also received gifts in return, a sparkly bangle and a cashmere shawl.

パキスタンのキラキラバングル♪ Sparkly Bangle

ペイズリーのシックなカシミアショールPaisley Cashmere Shawl
We appreciate the embassy’s kindness. We will cherish these gifts.

At the end, we took a photo together. We want to thank everyone at the Pakistan Embassy. We are moved by their hospitality in Pakistani style.
We also thank all the participants.
See you again at Embassy of Burkina Faso in April!
(translated by Hisako Isozaki, IAC)