
アルメニアウィーク2017at代官山ヒルサイドテラス レポート

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Armenia and Japan. From Tuesday, May 9 till Sunday, May 14, the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia hosted the third Armenian Week at Daikanyama Hillside Forum.

IAC has been organizing food events and providing Armenian food for the Armenia Culture Week since 2015.

We participated in a variety of events again this year. We provided Armenian finger food at “the Armenian Musical Evening” on Wednesday, May 10, dolma and baklava at the reception on Friday, May 12, and food for the Armenian wine party on Saturday, May 13.

At the Armenian Musical Evening on May 10, we listened to the beautiful Armenian music played by the Armenian and Japanese musicians. Just before the closing of the event, a very talented Armenian girl, Meri surprised us by playing the kanon.


The event was held with the cooperation of Komitas Music Society of Japan


Unexpected kanon performance

A member of IAC, Ms. Eriyo Watanabe, kindly shared her thoughts on the musical events.
「アルメニア音楽の夕べ」に参加して、コミタス、バグダサリャン、ハチャトゥリャンの作品をピアノ、ヴァイオリン、箏、ハープ、クラリネットによる演奏を通して、アルメニアの音楽を深く味わうことができました。全体的な印象として、アルメニアという国が古代から続く豊かな文化をもちながら、ローマ帝国、ペルシャ帝国、オスマン帝国など大国に翻弄されてきた歴史から生まれた悲壮美が音楽の中心にあります。今回感激したのは、アルメニアの伝統楽器カノンを奏でてくれた11歳の少女Meri Musinyanちゃんと、情緒豊かな歌声をご披露下さったアルメニアを代表する有名なオペラ歌手Arax Mansourianさんの登場。そして、アルメニアのワインやブランデーも大変香り高く、とても贅沢な夜でした。  香研究家 渡辺えり代
Listening to the works of Komitas, Bagdasarian, and Khachaturian that were played on the piano, the violin, the kanon, the harp, and the clarinet, I was able to appreciate true Armenian music. I could feel a sence of tragedy in the music. The tragedy that comes from the history of Armenia. Armenia, a country that has a rich culture from the ancient times,had been tossed about by the major powers such as the Roman Empire, the Persian Empire, and the Ottoman Empire.
I marveled at an eleven year old girl, Ms. Meri Musinyan, who played the kanon, an Armenian traditional instrument, and a very famous Armenian opera singer, Ms. Arax Mansourian, who sang gracefully. Also, Aromatic Armenian wine and brandy made this evening very special.
Written by Eriyo Watanabe, Incense Researcher


カノン奏者Meri Musinyanちゃん(写真提供:渡辺えり代)
Miss. Meri Musinyan, a Kanon Performer (photo provided by Eriyo Watanabe)


Armenian brandy and wine (photo provided by Eriyo Watanabe)




Following the beautiful recital, a variety of Armenian finger food was provided. The IAC Director General complimented us on our Armenian food, saying that we prepare the best Armenian food she could find in Japan. It is almost like a compliment from a doting parent, but all the food was gone in a second.
The food was prepared by IAC members, Rieko Nakaji (Confectionary Hygiene Master, Cook, Tea Instructor) and Momoko Takada (Registered Dietitian, Junior Vegetable Sommelier).


We planned an enjoyable food presentation for every guest.

We prepared patty made of kidney beans and walnuts, spicy lamb meat balls, baklava, dolma (minced meat wrapped with grape leaves), tabbouli, and different kinds of pickles.

Armenian finger foods

I feel like I am getting better every year at cooking Armenian food!

Armenian food has been influenced by different food cultures such as Turkish, Arabic, Mediterranean, and Russian. Healthy ingredients like apricots, pomegranates, beans, and yogurt are used for its cooking. Many Japanese people will be fascinated by Armenian food once they try. Please taste Armenian food when you have a chance!