“Learning Chaji (tea ceremony) and Kaiseki (tea lunch) with the spouse of the Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania at the Former Marquis Maeda Residence in Komaba Park”
After days of midwinter coldness, it suddenly became very warm on Monday, March 20th, when we invited the spouse of the Aambassador of the Republic of Lithuania to the chaji and kaiseki event we held at the Japanese-style house of Marquis Maeda in Komaba Park.
Previously, we invited the Ambassador of Guatemala and her husband to chaji and kaiseki event in return for the tea party at their embassy. Since both of them have a great interest in Japanese culture, they enjoyed it very much.
今回お招きしたリトアニア大使夫人ガリナ・メイルーニエネ(Mrs.Galina MeilunieneSpouse of the Ambassadorof the Republic of Lithuania)さんも、大変日本の文化に興味をお持ちで、自ら興味のあるところに取材に行かれたりするほど。本の執筆も考えていらっしゃるそうです。
Mrs.Galina Meiluniene, the spouse of the Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania, also has such a great interest in Japanese culture that she even visits places she has passion for and interviews the people there. She is planning to write a book about Japanese culture.

駒場前田邸迎賓館 The Former Marquis Maeda Residence in Komaba Park

和館から庭を望んで Looking at the garden from the Japanese-style house
The chaji was held at this Japanese style room at the Former Marquis Maeda Residence. This Japanese-style guesthouse was built in 1930 to primarily entertain foreign guests. It is now designated as a nationalimportant cultural property.

大使夫人、お客様の到着を待ちます。 Waiting for the spouse of the Ambassador and guests.

高森先生の素敵な割烹着姿。Professor Takamori looks beautiful in her cooking coat.
Not only at the chaji but also during the preparation time, Professor Takamori and her pupils moved in an incredibly beautiful manner.

「リトアニア大使夫人と共に学ぶ茶事と懐石@駒場前田邸迎賓館」 “Learning chaji and Kaiseki with the spouse of the Ambassador of the Republic of Lethuania at the Former Marquis Maeda Residence in Komaba Park

にこやかに自己紹介を聞くガリナさん。日本語は話すのも聞くのもOKです。With a big smile, Mrs. Galina Meiluniene listens to people introducing themselves. She can speak and understand Japanese very well.
Soon after Mrs.Galina Meiluniene and other guests arrived, the event started. After Professor Takamori and IAC representatives gave their opening remarks, we asked all of the guests to introduce themselves. The tranquil environment made everyone relaxed. Sharing such a relaxing time brought us heart-warming feelings.

リトアニア大使夫人と共に学ぶ茶事と懐石@駒場前田邸迎賓館 “Learning chaji and Kaiseki with the spouse of the Ambassador of the Republic of Lethuania at the Former Marquis Maeda Residence in Komaba Park

福寿海無量の掛物と桜 Kakejiku (a hanging scroll) with cherry blossoms
Calligraphy; Fukujyu-Kaimuryo (ocean full of happiness and prosperity)
Profesor Takamori gave us a lecture about chaji and tea utensils. Above is a photo of the guests learning about the tea utensil stand, “Rikyu style”. The calligraphy of the Kakejiku, “Fukujyu-Kaimuryo” was written by Jiun of Enkakuji-temple. The flower of the day was cherry blossoms. Flower arrangement for tea ceremonies tends to be plain but on this day, cherry blossoms were chosen intentionally to draw attention to the flowers. How beautiful!

リトアニア大使夫人と共に学ぶ茶事と懐石@駒場前田邸迎賓館 “Learning chaji and Kaiseki with the spouse of the Ambassador of the Republic of Lethuania at the Former Marquis Maeda Residence in Komaba Park

リトアニア大使夫人と共に学ぶ茶事と懐石@駒場前田邸迎賓館 “Learning chaji and Kaiseki with the spouse of the Ambassador of the Republic of Lethuania at the Former Marquis Maeda Residence in Komaba Park

リトアニア大使夫人と共に学ぶ茶事と懐石@駒場前田邸迎賓館 “Learning chaji and Kaiseki with the spouse of the Ambassador of the Republic of Lethuania at the Former Marquis Maeda Residence in Komaba Park
Chaji started and a Japanese traditional confectionary called Matsukaze was served. Participating in chaji without having any knowledge about it would have made us very nervous. However, thanks to the lecture in advance, everyone enjoyed it without any flaws.

京料理はな菊の三段弁当 Three layered bento prepared by Kyo-ryouri “Hanagiku”

ガリナさんも皆さんも嬉しそうです。Mrs. Galina Meiluniene and guests look very happy.

リトアニア大使夫人と共に学ぶ茶事と懐石@駒場前田邸迎賓 “Learning chaji and Kaiseki with the spouse of the Ambassador of the Republic of Lethuania at the Former Marquis Maeda Residence in Komaba Park
After chaji, we had kaiseki-bento. Formally, a meal would be served prior to chaji. However, this time, chaji was held in a lecture form, so we ate afterwards in a relaxed mood. A store called Kyo-ryouri (Kyoto style cuisine) Hanagiku prepared the three layered bento. Three layers! How great! It was not only beautiful looking but also delicious and everyone liked it. After the meal, we enjoyed talking with Mrs.Galina Meiluniene. Some people even stayed after the party and looked around the house.

リトアニア大使夫人と共に学ぶ茶事と懐石@駒場前田邸迎賓館 “Learning chaji and Kaiseki with the spouse of the Ambassador of the Republic of Lethuania at the Former Marquis Maeda Residence in Komaba Park
It was a wonderful chaji and kaiseki event on a spring-like day in March at a beautiful Japanese house surrounded by greens. Mrs. Galina Meiluniene, we appreciate your joining us today. Professor Takamori, thank you very much for the beautiful ceremony. We hope to visit you here again.
協力:高森梨津子(表千家茶道教授、華道家元 池坊教授)
Hosted by IAC (International Artist Center)
Instructed by Professor Ritsuko Takamori (Omotesenke, the head family of Ikenobo)
文 高田桃子(written by Momoko Takata,IAC)
英訳 磯﨑久子(translated by Hisako Isozaki, IAC)

香合 都とり 今戸 Kogo (incense container) Miyakodori (Haematopus ostralegus) Imadoyaki