Hanging scroll is written as 福寿海無量 in Japanese.
It is the phrase written in Kannon Sutra and its meaning is that the charity of Bodhisattva (Kwannon)
is like the great ocean filled with immense fortune.
ただお目出度いというだけではなく、深い意味も含めて 今日 大使夫人を迎え、皆で集まることの出来た喜びの想いをこの掛物に込めました。
It is not only superficial fortune but also, I expressed by hanging this scroll, it is a great pleasure to welcome Ambassador’s wife together with IAC members today.

当日は「お彼岸」の最中でしたので、お花を「彼岸桜」にしました。染井吉野より、ひと足早く咲く桜に これから迎える春の華やかさを感じてもらいたいと思い選びました。
As today is one of equinoctial days and the pronunciation of equinoctial days is the same as the pronunciation of flower, therefore, I selected Cherry blossoms called 「彼岸桜」which blooms
earlier than cherry blossoms called 染井吉野 wishing that our guests feel the flashiness of Spring.
I could get the fresh bamboo from Kyoto. Freshness of bamboo is only one time and does not last long, so in the tea world by using such fresh bamboo which can be used once in a life time, is the way of expressing host’s hospitality.
I placed the lovely Frittilary flower「貝母(バイモ) in the vase which was picked up from my garden.
『茶花は野にあるように かろがろ と生けよ』と利休の言葉が残っています。
Our Grand Tea Master Sen Rikyu taught us that flowers should be placed as if they are still growing in the field.
Tea flower is placed in the vase considering the coordination with the season in the area to welcome the guests.

お菓子は「松風(まつかぜ)」。京都の老舗菓子屋「亀屋陸奥」。このお菓子は、信長と石山本願寺の11年続いた合戦のさなかに 兵糧として考案されたという いにしえの菓子です。
Thin tea sweets are named as Pine Wind 「松風(まつかぜ)」which is manufactured by an old shop in Kyoto called Kameya-Mutsu「亀屋陸奥」. The origin of the sweets was founded as one of food supply eaten at the war-site at where Feudal Lord Nobunaga and Ishiyama Honganji Temple battled with for 11 years.

お点前の道具も「旅箪笥」という 棚を使いました。
今の時代では、まるで春の麗らかな野点を連想させますが、実はこの棚は 秀吉が小田原征伐の折、利休に命じて考案させたものなのです。
この棚に、水指や茶器、柄杓、蓋置など、お茶を点てるのに必要な道具を全て収納して 担いで運べるように工夫されています。
The tea utensil stand is called 「旅箪笥」which direct translation is the traveling cabinet.
As you see the tea utensil stand, you may imagine the scenery as if we enjoy the tea in the field. The origin of this tea utensil was founded by our Grand Tea Master Sen Rikyu by the order of Feudal Lord Hideyoshi when he accompanied Feudal Lord Hideyoshi at the time of Odawara Campaign to enjoy the tea even in the battle field. All needed tea utensils such as fresh water container, tea container, ladle, lid rest can be put and kept inside of it and carried on the shoulder to the battle field.

今の時代では 嫁入り前の習い物と思われがちな「茶道や華道」ですが、実は 室町時代に男性が命がけで培ってきた日本の美意識の集大成 ということを 少しでも伝えられたら、と思い 室礼を考えました。
Nowadays the way of tea and the way of flower are considered as the lessons for young women to become a bride but in the Muromachi period they were the compilation of Japanese aesthetic sense which had been accomplished with the desperate effort by men. Having considered those things, I arranged those tea utensils to express and inform these spirits.
I am very pleased if all participants can experience the wonderfulness of enjoying the seasonal changes by themselves by attending this tea gathering.
この日はわたしも 皆様と 歴史ある建物のなかで 心豊かな時間を過ごすことが出来ました。
I, myself enjoyed the gorgeous and fruitful time with you in the historical residence where Japanese Feudal Lord lived in the old days.
I also would like to write new discovery of Japan in my Blog that I felt today. Please get in contact with my Blog and experience it by yourself.
Thank you very much.
高森 梨津子
Ritsuko Takamori
英訳 小笠原寿子(translated by Hisako Ogasawara, IAC)